Bacon Life | Brand Bio -footer-

Bacon Life is a belief, a state of mind, and ultimately a way of life.

Bacon Life: When you eat bacon, endorphins are released in your body. (Endorphins are the chemical that literally makes you feel good) The clothing line isn't literally bacon on everything, it's about the feel-good feeling...maximizing that in your life. Please don't forget this, when someone tries to hit you with the "I don't eat meat" excuse. There's a little intelligence behind every brand. Ask Nike (Winged Goddess of Victory)

A little more: Do you like bacon? Whether you do or not, just go with the premise that your life is YOUR life. Once you start doing what you love, things always feel, look, and sound better. When you're eating bacon, you don't think "This is really bad for me, I should throw this out and grab an apple". For that moment, you're doing what you want to do and you enjoy it. 

If you want to do something in life and have doubts about it for whatever reason, do it. If you want to make music, start a law firm, start a record label, become a professional grant writer, etc. Just get the info you need but also know that the meeting of "planning" and "action" is a very small window of opportunity that many people get stuck in.

That 5 seconds you have when you wake up, before you remember that you have a lot of shit to do that day, that's what Bacon Life is about. Loving, Enjoying, and making the most of your life.

If you feel weird about wearing something that says Bacon on you, think about all the brands you probably wear and the fact that you don't fully understand the meaning behind them either. They look nice, other people like it, so you get it. We want the same respect.

Let's wrap up:

Bacon Life: Living the life you desire